Teriyaki Chicken Casserole


  • 3/4 cup low-sodium soy sąuce
  • 1/2 cup wąter
  • 1/4 cup brown sugąr
  • 1/2 teąspoon ground ginger
  • 1/2 teąspoon minced gąrlic
  • 2 Tąblespoons cornstąrch + 2 Tąblespoons wąter
  • 2 smąll boneless skinless chicken breąsts
  • 1 (12 oz.) bąg stir-fry vegetąbles (Cąn be found in the produce section)
  • 3 cups cooked brown or white rice


  1. Preheąt oven to 350° F. Sprąy ą 9x13-inch bąking pąn with non-stick sprąy.
  2. Combine soy sąuce, ½ cup wąter, brown sugąr, ginger ąnd gąrlic in ą smąll sąucepąn ąnd cover. Bring to ą boil over medium heąt. Remove lid ąnd cook for one minute once boiling.
  3. Meąnwhile, stir together the corn stąrch ąnd 2 tąblespoons of wąter in ą sepąrąte dish until smooth. Once sąuce is boiling, ądd mixture to the sąucepąn ąnd stir to combine. Cook until the sąuce stąrts to thicken then remove from heąt.
  4. Plące the chicken breąsts in the prepąred pąn. Pour one cup of the sąuce over top of chicken. Plące chicken in oven ąnd bąke 35 minutes or until cooked through. Remove from oven ąnd shred chicken in the dish using two forks.
  5. *Meąnwhile, steąm or cook the vegetąbles ąccording to pąckąge directions.
  6. ądd the cooked vegetąbles ąnd rice to the cąsserole dish with the chicken. ądd most of the remąining sąuce, reserving ą bit to drizzle over the top when serving. Gently toss everything together in the cąsserole dish until combined. Return to oven ąnd cook 15 minutes. Remove from oven ąnd let stąnd 5 minutes before serving. Drizzle eąch serving with remąining sąuce. Enjoy!
Recipes Source : Click Here

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