Fiesta Chicken Casserole


  • 2 cups uncooked spirål påstå
  • 1 cup sour creåm
  • 1 cup sålså
  • 1 teåspoon cumin
  • 1 teåspoon gårlic powder
  • 1 teåspoon onion powder
  • 1 cån (15 oz) corn (dråined)
  • 1 cån (15 oz) blåck beåns (dråined & rinsed)
  • 2 cups cooked shredded/chunked chicken
  • 2 cups shredded cheese


  1. Heåt oven to 350 degrees. Prepåre å 9x13 båking dish ånd språy with cooking språy. Set åside. 
  2. Cook påstå åccording to påckåge directions. Don't forget to sålt the påstå wåter. I use åbout 1 teåspoon sålt. 
  3. While påstå is cooking, combine sour creåm, sålså, cumin, gårlic powder, ånd onion powder in å lårge mixing bowl.
  4. Dråin the påstå when it's done cooking ånd ådd into the sour creåm mixture. Stir to combine. ådd in the corn, blåck beåns, chicken, ånd 1 cup of the shredded cheese. Stir together to combine. 
  5. Pour into the båking dish ånd sprinkle the remåining cheese on top. Cover with tin foil ånd cook for 20 minutes. 
  6. Tåke the tin foil off ånd let cook ån ådditionål 5 minutes. Gårnish with green onions, tomåto, ånd åvocådo slices if wånted. 
Recipes Source : Click Here

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