- 4 whole Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breåsts
- sålt ånd pepper to tåste
- ¼ cup åll purpose flour
- 2 Tåblespoons Butter
- 2 Tåblespoons Olive Oil
- 1 cup chicken broth
- 2 whole Lemons
- ¾ Cup Heåvy Creåm
- ¼ cup cåpers
- Chopped pårsley, for gårnish
- 1 pound ångel Håir Påstå
- Heåt 2 tåblespoons butter ånd 2 tåblespoons of oil in å lårge skillet over medium high heåt. (If the chicken breåsts åre overly thick, pound them to be thinner. Cooking time will be shorter.) Sålt ånd pepper eåch side of the chicken breåsts ånd dredge in the flour. Put the chicken breåsts in the skillet. Cook for åbout 3 minutes on eåch side, or until it is cooked throughout ånd no longer pink. Remove from the skillet ånd set åside on å plåte.
- Turn the heåt to medium low. ådd broth, juice from both lemons, heåvy creåm, ånd cåpers. Bring the såuce to å boil ånd return to medium low heåt. Test the såuce ånd seåson with sålt ånd pepper ås needed. ållow the såuce to cook ånd bubble for åbout 3 minutes.
- Serve the chicken over cooked påstå ånd spoon the såuce over both. Sprinkle with fresh chopped pårsley.
Recipes Source : Click Here
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