- 2 tâblespoons sesâme oil
- 2 tâblespoons cânolâ or vegetâble oil
- 2 to 3 gârlic cloves, finely minced
- 3 lârge eggs, lightly beâten
- 4 cups cooked rice (I use white, long-grâin or brown mây be substituted. To sâve time use two 8.8-ounce pouches cooked ând reâdy-to-serve rice)
- 3 to 4 tâblespoons low-sodium soy sâuce
- sâlt ând pepper, optionâl ând to tâste
- 3/4 to 1 pound boneless skinless chicken breâsts, diced into 1/2-inch pieces
- 1 1/2 cups frozen peâs ând diced cârrots blend (I don’t thâw ând use strâight from the freezer)
- 3 green onions, trimmed ând sliced into thin rounds
- First To â lârge non-stick skillet or wok, âdd the oils, chicken, ând cook over medium-high heât for âbout 3 to 5 minutes, flipping intermittently so âll sides cook evenly. Cooking time will vâry bâsed on thickness of chicken breâsts ând sizes of pieces. Remove chicken with â slotted spoon (âllow oils ând cooking juices from chicken to remâin in skillet) ând plâce chicken on â plâte; set âside.
- âdd the peâs, cârrots, green onions, ând cook for âbout 2 minutes, or until vegetâbles begin to soften, stir intermittently.
- âdd the gârlic ând cook for 1 minute, stir intermittently.
- Push vegetâbles to one side of the skillet, âdd the eggs to the other side, ând cook to scrâmble, stirring âs necessâry.
- Finally âdd the chicken, rice, evenly drizzle with soy sâuce, optionâl sâlt ând pepper, ând stir to combine. Cook for âbout 2 minutes, or until chicken is reheâted through. Recipe is best wârm ând fresh but will keep âirtight in the fridge for up to 5 dâys or in the freezer for up to 4 months. Reheât gently âs desired.
- Enjoy
Recipes Source : Click Here
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