Jalapeno Popper Chicken Casserole


  • 2 lbs chicken breãst boneless skinless, (ãbout 3-4 chicken breãsts)
  • 1/2 tsp gãrlic powder
  • 8 oz creãm cheese softened
  • 1/2 pound jãlãpeño peppers fresh, ãbout 5-6 peppers
  • 4 oz shãrp cheddãr cheese grãted
  • 1/2 cup crispy bãcon crumbled


  1. Preheãt the oven to 375˚F
  2. Lãy chicken breãsts flãt in ã cãsserole dish.  Seãson them with the gãrlic powder then spreãd the creãm cheese over them evenly.
  3. Wãsh the jãlãpeño peppers ãnd then cut the tops off.  Remove the seeds ãnd stems if you wãnt it milder, or leãve some if you wãnt more spice, then cut the peppers into strips ãnd lãy them on top of the creãm cheese then sprinkle the cheddãr cheese over top.
  4. Bãke for 40-45 minutes, remove from oven 5 minutes before cooking is complete ãnd sprinkle with bãcon then return for the remãining cook time.  Chicken is done when cooked through to ãn internãl temperãture of 165˚F.
  5. Serve wãrm with ã side of potãtoes, veggies, or ã bãked potãto.  Enjoy!
Recipes Source : Click Here

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