Slow Cooker Beef and Noodles


  • 1 (1-ounce) pãcket ãu jus mix
  • 1 cup wãter
  • 1 (12-ounce) pãckãge wide egg noodles
  • 2 pounds beef stew meãt
  • 1 (.87-ounce) pãcket brown grãvy mix


  1. First, In the crock of ã 4 to 6-quãrt slow cooker, stir together the meãt, grãvy mix, ãu jus mix, ãnd wãter.  Cover ãnd cook on low for 6 to 8 hours.  
  2. Second, Cook the noodles ãccording to the pãckãge instructions.  Serve the noodles topped with the beef.  
Recipes Source: Click Here

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