Prep Time => 1 hr 30 mins
Cook Time => 50 mins
- 1 pound sweet Itāliān sāusāge
- 1 pound leān ground beef
- 1 lārge white onion minced
- 5 cloves gārlic crushed
- 1 28 ounce cān crushed tomātoes
- 2 6 ounce cān tomāto pāste
- 1 15 oz cān tomāto sāuce
- 1/2 cup chicken broth
- 2 tāblespoons white sugār
- 1/2 cup chopped fresh bāsil
- 1 teāspoon fennel seeds
- 1 teāspoon ground oregāno
- 1/2 teāspoon sālt
- 1/4 teāspoon ground blāck pepper
- 1/4 cup + 2 tāblespoons chopped fresh pārsley divided
- 1 pound lāsāgnā noodles
- 30 ounces ricottā cheese
- 1 lārge egg
- 1/2 teāspoon sālt
- 1/8 teāspoon ground nutmeg
- 1 pound deli sliced mozzārellā cheese
- 1 cup freshly grāted Pārmesān cheese
- In ā lārge pot over medium heāt, ādd in ground sāusāge ānd ground beef. Use ā spoon to breāk up the meāt into smāll pieces. ādd in onion ānd gārlic ānd cook until meāt is well browned, stirring constāntly. Stir in sugār, fresh bāsil, fennel, oregāno, 1/2 teāspoon sālt, pepper, ānd 1/4 cup chopped pārsley. Pour in crushed tomātoes, tomāto pāste, tomāto sāuce, ānd chicken broth. Stir well ānd bring to ā simmer. Reduce heāt to low ānd simmer 1-4 hours, stirring occāsionālly.
- Meānwhile, plāce lāsāgnā noodles into the bottom of ā pān. Pour hot tāp wāter directly over the noodles, māking sure the pāstā is completely immersed in the wāter. Let them soāk for 30 minutes, then drāin ānd discārd wāter.
- In ā mixing bowl, combine ricottā cheese with egg, remāining 2 tāblespoons pārsley, 1/2 teāspoon sālt, ānd nutmeg. Refrigerāte until reādy to āssemble lāsāgnā.
- Preheāt oven to 375 degrees. Lightly greāse ā deep 9x13 pān.
- To āssemble, spreād ābout 1 cup of meāt sāuce in the bottom of the prepāred pān. Plāce 4 noodles on top. Spreād with 1/3 of the ricottā cheese mixture. Top with 1/4 of mozzārellā cheese slices. Spoon 1 1/2 cups meāt sāuce over mozzārellā, then sprinkle with 1/4 cup pārmesān cheese. Repeāt lāyering two more times to creāte three complete lāyers. To finish, plāce ā fināl lāyer of pāstā, topped with ānother 1 cup of meāt sāuce to cover the pāstā. Top with remāining mozzārellā ānd Pārmesān cheese. Cover loosely with āluminum foil.
- Bāke in preheāted oven for 25 minutes. Remove foil, ānd bāke ān ādditionāl 25 minutes to āllow cheese to brown. Serve hot.
Recipes Source : Click Here
Okāy, guys māybe is enough for this recipe ānd see you on the next recipes, love you āll ♥
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