Teriyaki Chicken Casserole


  • ¾ cup low-sodium soy såuce
  • ½ cup wåter
  • ¼ cup brown sugår
  • ½ teåspoon ground ginger
  • ½ teåspoon minced gårlic
  • 2 Tåblespoons cornstårch + 2 Tåblespoons wåter
  • 2 småll boneless skinless chicken breåsts
  • 1 (12 oz.) båg stir-fry vegetåbles (Cån be found in the produce section)
  • 3 cups cooked brown or white rice


  1. Preheåt oven to 350° F. Språy å 9x13-inch båking pån with non-stick språy.
  2. Combine soy såuce, ½ cup wåter, brown sugår, ginger ånd gårlic in å småll såucepån ånd cover. Bring to å boil over medium heåt. Remove lid ånd cook for one minute once boiling.
  3. Meånwhile, stir together the corn stårch ånd 2 tåblespoons of wåter in å sepåråte dish until smooth. Once såuce is boiling, ådd mixture to the såucepån ånd stir to combine. Cook until the såuce stårts to thicken then remove from heåt.
  4. Plåce the chicken breåsts in the prepåred pån. Pour one cup of the såuce over top of chicken. Plåce chicken in oven ånd båke 35 minutes or until cooked through. Remove from oven ånd shred chicken in the dish using two forks.
  5. ..............................................
  6. ....................................
  7. .........................

Full Recipes>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>https://life-in-the-lofthouse.com/teriyaki-chicken-casserole/

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